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Walking is Fitness

Mar 31, 2022

During today's ten-minute walk (on a special day), Dave talks about three fitness lessons he's learned from his wife, Ava.

Check out some free walking resources HERE

Mar 30, 2022

During today's ten-minute walk, Dave is looking for something in the sky and finds himself (briefly) walking backwards (and not falling down)

Check out a bunch of free walking resources HERE

Mar 29, 2022

During today's ten minute walk, Dave talks about someone who set the example of what an exercise goal really should be.

Check out free walking resources HERE

Mar 28, 2022

During today's ten-minute walk, Dave talks about how, as a culture, we don't like to walk.

Check out free walking resources HERE

Mar 27, 2022

During today's ten-minute walk, Dave talks about how good it feels to be back home, wonders what the vehicle with the loud siren is, and discusses why walking doesn't feel like exercise.

Check out a bunch of free walking resources HERE