Sep 30, 2022
Dave talks about his love for October and challenges us to take advantage of the unique opportunities this month presents.
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Sep 29, 2022
Dave shares new research about walking after eating and the positive impact that can have on your health.
Tap HERE to learn more about the research Dave talked about in this episode
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Sep 28, 2022
Dave talks about the link between walking and creativity during today's ten-minute walk. Also, be listening for the moment he walks right into a spiderweb.
Sep 27, 2022
Your feedback about Walking is Fitness is helpful. Tap HERE for an email form to answer the questions Dave asks during today's ten-minute walk.
Sep 26, 2022
Dave shares a story from Laurie about the power of being an encourager!
A daily ten-minute walking podcast that helps you build a fitness habit that sticks
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